Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the special island

once there was a land that was different then eny other this land was non for the names every one had not weird but different then others and one day there was a new born and here mother named her peri winkle. and wen the nurse came in and ask the mother what she was going to name her she said peri winkle and the nurse said that thats a wired name and the mother said well welsher that was the nurses name. this land was call'd yoo and thats why every ones names were not weired but different. and one day wen peri winkle was 15 years old her mother got very sick and there was only one thing to save her a very spacial berry and it was only fond in a bad part yoo land. and the doctor sad that she wold only have a few weeks to live peri winkle told her mom that she wold go find the berries her mother said no but she had to go to save her mother she pack a compass, clothes, food, and a little water in one bag that her mother had made for her wen she was 6 oh and a blanket all so made bye her mom it was made bye the best fabric she spent a lot of time and money on the blanket and the bag she set off for the bad land she new she only had little time to get the berries she did not have much lit so she tried to start a fire the fire started then she put it in a glass gar its was a much complicated thing. before her father left her and her mother he taught her that. she had dune this so many times it was not hard any more. and she started on again. before she left her her mother told her three singes that wold tell here she was close to the berries number one was dark clods number two was lizard not just any lizard they were very special lizards there were called cage heads. the reason why there were called that was because in old times people said there heads look like cages. the third thing was dark sand it was not dirt it was very special sand that an evil which cased a spell on and some people say the evil which was still there thats one reason her mother did not want her to go she was scared the evil which was going to take her she finally saw dark clouds she said she kept walk till morning the sun stared to shine throgh the dark clouds peri winkle smiled she just kept walking till she hit cage head lizards then she stopped and started to climb a tree to see if she cold find some eggs to cook she was going to find a flat rock and splat the eggs on the rock over a fire and finally she came a cross 4 eggs she got down and found a rock and made a fire real fast she was hungry. she had ate all the food she brought while she was walking. she ate the eggs and then started walking again. the sun started to go down and she cold see the dark sand over a bridge she crossed the the bridge and there was a note on the bridge it said that if you want the special berries that they were far in the woods she started to the wood she could barley see any thing so she started a fire and got her jar and put the fire in the jar an put a lid on. and she left she started to run and then saw the biggest tree out of all the trees in the woods she climbed all the way to the top and the there they were, the berries she opened her bag and put all she could find in the bag then climbed down and started home it was the longest journey home she finally saw the cage head lizards and took one as a memory of the time then she started to run and saw the dark clouds and then she ran as fast as she had ever run and finally saw yoo and ran even faster to her house. she opened the door and her mother looked so sick she gave the berries to her mother and she ate all of them her mother was better in two weeks. and then her father walked in. to be continue.....

Friday, August 26, 2011


I like playing with my brothers but sum times I hate playing with my brothers I don't know if that macks sinse so i will rite adote it okay they can be fun be sum time they like playing amy games and to me thats not that fun so Idont play with them and Ithink thats fine. but sum time we play games ware we go on etvinchers and thats fun so you see it can and cant be fun playing with my brothers sam time time I wander if made i i can snec away lol

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

my day

My day is going great! Yesterday, my friend stayed the night. It was super fun and her mom said that maybe I can stay the night next week. I think it will be so much fun!!!!. I miss her already. This is what I think we will do:
stay up late
eat pizza for diner
swim in her swiming pool
play in the yard
play in her room
She has a big room so it will be even more fun. That is what I think we will do. Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

i just

i just rote a store it was so fun and gave it to a friend and i hope he likes it. you should rite a store for a friend and made he or she will like it or just make it for your self it will be just trust me

Kiss Me- Hrithik Aishwarya

Saturday, August 6, 2011

my world

my world is amazing i have everything is want i want i to be i Colet ask for anything Ally's why do some people think that there wold is over but it inset there just execrating so injoy your wold and dot lisin to what aether people say just do what you think is best love niki


me i wanna be a super star i wanna be amasing i wanna be a senger i wanna be lots of thangs you dot have to be speshel you just have to be your self and be happy dot be sombote els if you are somdote els nodote will know you. you be your self just triy for me if inedote is reding lisin you never know what you have til it gone lasing it troow love you all ps niki ortiz love